All that is required of our Global Members and Partners is to disseminate information about the 2020 Global Summit of Women to your members and networks, whether through your meetings, enewsletters or social media outlets. Member organizations, for a modest fee, have a higher level of engagement which enables the Summit to post a link to their website, secure a 5% discount to the Summit for their members, and the opportunity to suggest possible presenters from their networks. At whatever level of participation, we welcome you.
We value your organization’s efforts and the work it does for the women in your country and look forward to having you as a Global Member or International Partner to the 2020 Summit. We welcome your group’s delegation to the Summit and your suggestions on possible speakers. The two options for participating are outlined below along with the forms for your response.
Please respond as soon as possible to allow for your organization to be included in our mailing brochure regarding the Summit sent to women business and government leaders globally. I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you in Bangkok, Thailand next April.

Panelists Jane Griffiths Gloabl Head, Actelion, Ana Paula Assis General Manager, IBM Latin America, Irene Natividad Summit President, Global Summit of Women, Ann Cairns Vice Chair, MasterCard, and Li Dang CEO, Genertec