Rejoin the 30th Anniversary Celebration for the Global Summit of Women
Greetings from Summit Veterans
Alice Dear
New York, USA
What a wonderful celebration with so many Summitistas! Sending congratulations to Irene and the GSW team for 30 years of leadership. Best wishes as we confront new challenges. A lutta continua!
Elizabeth Marvan
Rhisco, Mexico
Congratulations Global Summit of Women. You have inspired me to help other women succeed!
Rosario Cajucom-Bradbury
International Economic Justice League, Inc IEJL, Philippines
My experience of the Global Summit of Women truly embodies the TRUE meaning of women lifting other women, holding each others hand side by side. Each year the Summit theme is very purposeful and I am reenergized always. I am extremely happy being part of the community of Global Summit of Women. Happy 30th birthday to GSW.
Beatrice Mouleyre
Luxury Bliss, France
Happy 30th Anniversary to the Global Summit for Women!! Thank you Irene for your leadership in making this moment a "Must" in the calendar for all of us. I attended my first summit last year in Basel and loved it. I had a great time sharing experiences with business Women from all over the world. This was so inspiring! Such a diversity makes it very very special.
Quetzelli Ruvalcaba
Independent, Mexico
Hello my name is Quetzelli from Mexico, and I am very grateful to participate in this Summit for the very first time. Cheers for all of you!
Dr. Deborah Ashton
Planet Perspective, USA
It was wonderful to see familiar face from all over the world. BOLD, BRILLANT, BRAVE women from around the world! To a celebration of women's fortitude and random acts of kindness. We bond and make friends for life!
Regina Llopis
Aplicaciones En Informãtica Avanzada, S.L., Spain
I have made incredible friendships, grown and shared with so many incredible women from all over the world, Thank You Irene and GSW team.
Martina Haas
Martina Haas Speaking Networking, Germany
Happy Anniversary! Thank you, dear Irene, for the idea and power to create Global Summit of Women! You inspired and inspire thousands of women. Thanks to the team. Best regards from Berlin.
Lorena Perez Gacilan Aviles
Triplay y laminados gdl, Mexico
My first Global Summit of Women was in Basel, Switzerland last year and it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I loved meeting so many inspirational and amazing women from all over the world. Learning from them was another great part of the Summit. Happy 30th Anniversary GSW!!! Cheers from Guadalajara.
Wendy Lucas-Bull
Absa Bank Ltd, South Africa
I salute you Irene. your tireless work has changed the rules to bring in a gender focus in many stock exchanges around the world, including the Johannesburg Stock Exchange(JSE). A toast to GSW from Johannesburg!
Mercedes Araoz
Universidad del Pacifico, Peru
Professor of Economics, Former Vice President of Peru (2016 -2020)
My toast for the leadership of women fighting COVID 19. Let's keep working for the recovery of the world economy taking care of our people.
Colleen Mitchell
VENTURE3Philanthropy LLC, USA
Congratulations, Irene and team of the Global Summit of Women on this most fantastic 30th anniversary celebration!!! So proud to have attended several summits Here's to another impactful 30 years!!
Anna Mokgokong
Community Investment Holdings, South Africa
Let’s toast ladies! This is our era! Lets take ownership and control of our the process empower and uplift others.