2018 Global Summit of Women
Creating Economies of Shared Value
April 26-28, 2018 • Sydney, Australia
Registration fees will increase beginning December 1, 2017.
Official 2018 Summit Venues

International Convention Centre Sydney-site of the 2018 Global Summit of Women

Sydney Town Hall, venue for host country dinner for Summit delegates
Come Enjoy the Beauty of Australia
Some of the Women Who Run Australia
Click HERE to see Australia’s Welcome to Summit Delegates
Did You Know?
Australia is the 13th largest economy in the world with per capita GDP higher than the US and Europe.
Australia was the second country in the world to allow women to vote (New Zealand was first).
Sydney, placed 8th overall globally on ranking of best cities for women entrepreneurs and 2nd in terms of its business culture (Dell WE Cities Index).
Australian women have been named “Most Empowered in the World” (Booz & Co report 2012) based on criteria including pay, education, and access to paid paternal leave.
Initiatives to bring more women onto corporate boards have succeeded in increasing percentage of women board directors from 8.3% to 27.4% in 6 years.