Celinda Lake, President, Lake Research Partners
Celinda Lake was one of two main pollsters for the Biden campaign, is the only Democratic pollster to play a major role in defeating two incumbent Presidents, and is a prominent pollster and political strategist for progressives. She currently serves as President of Lake Research Partners, focusing especially on women's concerns and over a dozen women in the House and Senate. She worked on behalf of the largest independent expenditure to take back the House in 2006 and has been a key player in campaigns launched by progressive groups. Lake co-authored the book “What Women Really Want” with Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway. Celinda works with innovative messaging projects that help redefine language on the economy, inequality, big money in politics, climate change, public schools, teachers, and criminal justice reform. She also coauthored a book "A Question of Respect" with Ed Goeas, that was released in November of ‘22.