2016 Colloquium Photo Album

  • "Developing a Culture of Diversity: University Presidents' Perspectives" (Pictured left to right) Dr. Stephen Friedman, President of Pace University; Dr. Lisa Lynch, President of Brandeis University; and Dr. Ali Malekzadeh, President of Roosevelt University
  • Excitement at the "Re-visiting Middle Managers' Role in Growing an Inclusive Workforce" Dinner Roundtable, led by Margaretta Noonan, CoFounder of ngage.
  • 2016 Colloquium on Global Diversity participating Human Resources and Diversity executives.
  • Irene Natividad, President of the Global Summit of Women, moderating at "The Science of Inclusion: Using Big Data to Assess Progress on Gender Diversity" panel.
  • Haig Nalbantian, Senior Partner at Mercer and Co-Leader of Mercer's Workforce Sciences Institute, speaking at "The Science of Inclusion: Using Big Data to Assess Progress on Gender Diversity" panel.
  • Monica Pool Knox, Head of HR for Global Sales and Brand Strategy at Twitter, posing a question to the "Diversity Across Borders" panelists.
  • Irene Natividad, President of the Global Summit of Women, sharing report on the global status of women directors on boards at the "Moving the Needle on Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards" panel. (Pictured from left to right) Moderator Yrthya Dinzey-Flores, Executive Director of CSR, Diversity, and Cultural Investments at Time Warner, with speakers Susan Baker, VP of Shareholder Advocacy at Trillium Asset Mgmt LLC, and Irene Natividad, President of the Global Summit of Women.
  • Chart indicating France's advancement in appointing women to corporate directors seats at the "Moving the Needle on Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards" panel.
  • Participating senior HR and Diversity executives at the 2016 Colloquium on Global Diversity at the "Developing a Culture of Diversity: University Presidents' Perspectives" panel.
  • Conversations at the"Re-visiting Middle Managers' Role in Growing an Inclusive Workforce" Dinner Roundtable led by Ron Glover, VP of Diversity and Workforce Policy and HR (retired).
  • "Re-visiting Middle Managers' Role in Growing an Inclusive Workforce" Dinner Roundtable led by Margaretta Noonan, CoFounder of ngage.
  • "Re-visiting Middle Managers' Role in Growing an Inclusive Workforce" Dinner Roundtable led by Ron Glover, VP of Diversity and Workforce Policy and HR (retired).
  • Nadia Younes, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor at the International Monetary Fund, poses a question at the "Developing a Culture of Diversity: University Presidents' Perspectives" panel.
  • "Developing a Culture of Diversity: University Presidents' Perspectives" Dr. Lisa Lynch, President of Brandeis University speaking alongside fellow panelists Dr. Stephen Friedman, President of Pace University and Dr. Ali Malekzadeh, President of Roosevelt University.
  • "Developing a Culture of Diversity: University Presidents' Perspectives" (Pictured left to right) Moderator Irene Natividad, President of the Global Summit of Women; Dr. Stephen Friedman, President of Pace University; Dr. Lisa Lynch, President of Brandeis University; Dr. Ali Malekzadeh, President of Roosevelt University.
  • Ursula Schwarzenbart, Chief Diversity Officer at Daimler (Germany) chairing session on "Do Parental Leave Benefits Create a More Inclusive Workforce?" with speakers Monica Pool Knox, Head of HR for Global Sales and Brand Strategy at Twitter, and Karyn Twaronite, Partner and Global Diversity Inclusion Officer at EY.
  • "Do Parental Leave Benefits Create a More Inclusive Workforce?" Colloquium participants and speakers Monica Pool Knox, Head of HR for Global Sales and Brand Strategy at Twitter and Karyn Twaronite, Partner and Global Diversity Inclusion Officer at EY, with moderator Ursula Schwarzenbart, Chief Diversity Officer at Daimler (Germany).
  • "Do Parental Leave Benefits Create a More Inclusive Workforce?" (Pictured left to right) Monica Pool Knox, Head of HR for Global Sales and Brand Strategy at Twitter; Karyn Twaronite, Partner and Global Diversity Inclusion Officer at EY; Ursula Schwarzenbart, Chief Diversity Officer at Daimler (Germany).
  • Ron Glover, VP of Diversity and Workforce Policy and HR (retired), asks questions to panelists of "Developing a Culture of Diversity: University Presidents' Perspectives" session.
  • The Most Diverse Panel at the Colloquium--"Diversity Across Borders", moderated by Patricia Harris, VP of Global Diversity and Inclusion at McDonald's. Speakers include (from left to right) Nora Villafuerte, VP of Human Resources at Nestle (Mexico); Claire Martin, VP of CSR at Renault and Director of Renault Foundation (France); and Michiko Achilles, VP of Human Resources at SAP (Japan).
  • "C-Suite Forum-- Leading Diversity" (Pictured left to right) Cari Dominguez, Board Director of Manpower and Former Chair, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, speaks to moderator Irene Natividad, President of the Global Summit of Women and fellow panelist Carmina Abad, CEO of SwissRe Corporate Solutions (Mexico).
  • "C-Suite Forum-- Leading Diversity" Carmina Abad, CEO of SwissRe Corporate Solutions (Mexico) at the podium with panelist Cari Dominguez, Board Director of Manpower and Former Chair, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and moderator Irene Natividad, President of the Global Summit of Women.
  • "C-Suite Forum-- Leading Diversity" Panelists and participating HR and Diversity executives.
  • "Are Women's Resource Groups Effective" Panel (Pictured from left to right) Catalina Bajenaru, Executive Director of Human Resources at AT&T; Lisa Kepinski, Founder and CEO at the Inclusion Institute; and Kimberly Admire, Executive VP and Chief Human Resources Officer at SAIC.
  • Closing statements for the 2016 Colloquium on Global Diversity by Yrthya Dinzey-Flores, Executive Director of CSR, Diversity, and Cultural Investments at Time Warner. Special thanks to Time Warner for being the 2016 Colloquium on Global Diversity Venue Hosts.
  • Closing statements from Global Summit of Women President, Irene Natividad, bidding 2016 Colloquium on Global Diversity participants goodbye, and until next year!