Sonia Juarez Boal Bio

Sonia Juarez Boal

Current/ previous positions: – CEO and Partner at Rodio Consulting – CorAll Advisory Board – Professor at Universities (UCM, UDIMA, UNIR, PUCMM)




Sonia Juárez Boal is an Industrial Engineer specialized in Energy from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She holds a Postgraduate degree in Industrial Organization and also studied Political Science at UNED.

She has completed the Women on Boards program at IESE and the International Accreditation Program in Boards at IGE. She is certified in ESG Investing by the CFA Institute.

During her 35 years of experience, Sonia has developed technological solutions to optimize processes in sectors such as Healthcare, Pharmacy, Logistics, Industrial… She has held various management positions in multinational companies such as MAXAM, Logista…

In 2009, she founded her first pharmaceutical company. In 2014, she launched España Select in Brussels, a Spanish Gourmet Products. In 2015, she established ESADIA, a Business School in Angola. Currently, she leads her own company, RODIO Consulting, where she works advising companies in Health.

Sonia has a great passion for teaching for over 25 years. Since 2015, she has been a Professor of Entrepreneurship at UCM.

She was honored with the “Businesswoman of the Year” award.

She is a member IWF Spain Board and partner of WF and WA4STEAM

Sonia is deeply connected to her hometown, trough Centro Segoviano where now is the President.