Marie-Christine Oghly, Founder and CEO, EnginSoft France
Marie-Christine Oghly, Founder & CEO, EnginSoft France
and World Presidnt, FCEM (France)
Marie-Christine Oghly founded EnginSoft France in 2008, a company specializing in Numerical Simulation Engineering. Since 2017, she has also served as World President of Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises (FCEM). Prior to founding EnginSoft, she was President of Esteco France and founded two other companies – Fluid Dynamics International and Flowmaster France. In addition, she is a French Foreign Trade Advisor (CCEF), Vice President of AFNET, President of Femmes de l’Economie, and an Executive Board Member of MEDEF, France’s largest employer federation. A Chevalier of Legion d’Honneur and Officer of National Order of Mérite, she was elected President of Astech Aerospace cluster Ile de France in October 2020.