2002 Global Summit of Women
Barcelona, Spain
July 11-13, 2002
Over 600 women from 76 countries met in Barcelona discuss how to increase the economic power of women in a male-dominated world
Summit President, Irene Natividad, addressing delegates at the Opening Ceremony |
Afghanistan’s Vice Chair of the Interim Government shares her views at the Opening Ceremony |
Barcelona’s famed Girls Choir open the Summit at the Palau de la Musica |
Sung-joo Kim (President of Sung-joo International) from South Korea, leading her delegation in a surprise performance at the Summit's Opening Ceremony |
First Lady of Guinea Bissau with Bettina Goetzenberger, Spanish entrepreneur, and Ingenesia Zaamwami, Managing Director of Nandeb Mining Company of Namibia |
Maravillas Rojo, Presindet of Barcelona Activa, at the podium welcoming delegates to the Welcoming Dinner at Palacio del Pedralbes |
Summit session on "Bridging the Digital Divide: Best Practices" |
The host committee for the Barcelona Summit |
Summit Grants and Awardees
2002 Summit Grant |
2002 Summit Award Winner |
Dr. Sima Samar, |
Begona Zunzunegui, |
$10,000 grant given to an Afghan NGO identified by Afghanistan's Interim Vice President, Dr. Sima Samar, for women's economic empowerment |
Meet the winner of the 2002 American Express Global Leadership Award given at the Global Summit of Women |
What the Press is Saying...
"Women of the world meet in Spain to smash glass ceiling"
BARCELONA, Spain - Six hundred women from 76 countries met in Barcelona yesterday to talk about how to increase the economic power of women in a male-dominated world. Full Article
"Women discuss business opportunities in international marketplace at Summit in Barcelona"
Barcelona, Spain (AP) Although women-run businesses represent more than 30 percent of those in Europe and the United States, women still lag far behind men in earnings and in job status; in developing countries, the disparity is even greater. Full Article
"Las mujeres solo ocupan un 4.6% de los puestos directivos de las grandes empresas"
Arropada por el patrocinio do gigantes empresariales como DaimleChrysler, America Expresso, o IBM y con la ausencia de ministras espanolas tras e; cambie de Gobierno, Arranco ayer en Barcelona la XII Cumbre Mundial de la Mujer, una cita de 600 mujeres procedentes de 76 paises de todo el mundo. Full Article
"Le Davos feminin veut voir des femmes au pouvo"
Quelques 600 femmes d'affaires, reunies a Barcelone (nord-pour la 12e edition du "Davos des Femmes," ont reclame ven une presence accrue des femmes dans les poste de pouvoir entreprises. Full Article
2002 Summit Links
Summit Sponsors
Summit Outcomes
* Raised $10,000 to be used as microenterprise loans by Afghan women seeking to reenter their country's economy
*Created a Technology Committee to develop ways of continuing the sharing of best practices among Summit participants and other women entrepreneurs globally
*Released a report through its Corporate Women Directors International project on Spanish women corporate directors in Spain's top 300 Companies to establish a national benchmark to measure progress.
*Agreed to develop a compendium of corporate best practices in creating equal opportunities for women.
What Participants are Saying...
"The Summit was perfectly organized and professionally conducted. It is the best opportunity for networking with like-minded women in business. One cannot get a better platform for meeting women leaders and entrepreneurs from so many countries. It was the ideal forum for test marketing of my products and it was grand success."
- Farah Khan, India
"The (Summit) once again confirmed what I strongly believe: that the only geographical barriers that exist for our projects are those that we allow to exist."
-Donna Kelley, Spain
"What I found most valuable was meeting and networking with such high caliber, wonderful women. It was a chance to connect with women whom I would not otherwise have had the chance to meet, and to learn something about cultures and countries far removed from my own. A truly enlightening and mind-expanding experience."
-Elizabeth Scott, Hong Kong
"I certainly left Barcelona feeling empowered, renewed and ready to face new challenges and tackle them head-on. The powerful testimonies of fellow women, their achievement and zeal is alone worthwhile being there."
-Inge K. Zaamwani, Namibia
I was very much inspired by the synergy of talents, capabilities, experience, dynamics, and initiatives represented in Barcelona."
-Nela Milijic, Croatia