‘Women: Redesigning Economies, Societies’
Paris, France • June 5-7, 2014
Record Turnout of 1,240 from 82 countries
at 2014 Global Summit of Women
- Summit President Irene Natividad and France’s Minister of Women, Cities, Youth, and Sports Najat Vallaud-Belkacem kick off the 2014 Global Summit of Women by opening the Paris Stock Exchange.

- Awardees at the Global Women’s Leadership Awards Ceremony at the 2014 Summit: Societe Generale CEO Frederic Oudea, Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Global Women’s Leadership Award Winner Viviane Reding, GDF Suez CEO Gerard Mestrallet, Summit President Irene Natividad, French Women’s Leadership Award Winner Nicole Notat, Kering Vice Chairman Patricia Barbizet, Orange Deputy CEO Delphine Cunci, and Technip CEO Thierry Pilenko. Photo courtesy of the European Commission.

- 35 women government ministers participated in the Summit’s Ministerial Roundtable focusing on public-private sector partnerships increasing women’s economic opportunities.

- Former President of Kyrgyzstan Roza Otunbayeva presents the Global Women’s Leadership Awards to European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights, and Citizenship Viviane Reding. Photo courtesy of the European Commission.

- (From Left to right) CNN International Anchor Nina Dos Santos poses a question to former President of Finland Tarja Halonen, President of Malta Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and former President of Kyrgyzstan Roza Otunbayeva.

- (From Left to right) President and CEO of Omega World Travel Gloria Bohan, Vice President of Market Development for IBM Denise Evans, CEO of FACE Stockholm Gun Nowak, and Founder of BETC and President of Havas Worldwide Mercedes Erra, before the featured Luncheon Program “Women Entrepreneurs Forum: Re-inventing an Enterprise”.

- Founder and former CEO of Booz & Co. Shumeet Banerji, CEO of Taj-Deloitte Gianmarco Monsellato, Chairman and CEO of Technip Thierry Pilenko, former CEO of Telstra and Orange Sol Trujillo, Chairman and CEO, Societe Generale Frederic Oudea, and Sodexo CEO Michel Landel at the Male CEO Forum: Redefining the Marketplace — The Business Case for Gender Equity.

- Hon. Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development of France, addresses audience during session on “Doing Business with France.”

- French Minister for Women Najat Vallaud-Belkacem speaks to Summit delegates at Centre Pompidou.

- Sharing perspectives at the Forum for Board Diversity at Euronext are Chairman of Barclays Africa Wendy Lucas-Bull, CEO of Carnival Australia Ann Sherry, Summit President Irene Natividad, Board Director of Discover Financial Services, Marriott International and others Mary K. Bush, Chairman and CEO of Invest in France Agency Muriel Penicaud, and Chairman of Agreenium Marion Guillou.
- French student delegates at the 2014 Global Summit of Women.

- Brazilian delegation with French Minister for Women Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Chair of the 2014 Summit, upon announcement of Brazil as the 2015 GSW Country Host.
Click Here to See Sample of Leaders in Government and Business Who Joined the 2014 Summit>>
What The Media is Saying
From the Financial Times:
Europe Leads the Way in the Number of Women on Top Company Boards
June 5, 2014
Europe is fast overtaking the US in the number of women board directors at top global companies, driven by legal quotas and corporate governance requirements, according to a new survey.
The research also shows companies in the Asia-Pacific region lagging far behind their European and American counterparts, even as they account for a growing number of top companies.
From CNN International – The Business View with Nina dos Santos
Girls Beat Boys at School, so Why the Glass Ceiling?
June 9, 2014
Paris (CNN) — This weekend I hosted part of the Global Summit of Women in Paris, set up by a Washington-based organization devoting its time to trying to further women’s causes in the world.
From politics to business, leaders of countries and industries gathered to share their views on women’s empowerment and how to harness their sisters’ contribution to society.
Providing able and ambitious women with the tools for a successful career isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s good for business, as some of the biggest economies are finally beginning to grasp.
From Forbes
Europe Leads but Women Will Not Enter the Boardroom by Osmosis
By Dina Medland
June 8, 2014
Language is often not meant to be gender-specific. So America’s Declaration of Independence: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal’ resounds around the world to assume both men and women. When the Indian politician Arvind Keiriwal launched the Aam Admi party – Admi, which means ‘man’ in Hindi, was taken to mean ‘people.’ But when it comes to the language around the world’s publicly listed company boardrooms, the language of equality remains resoundingly male.
Now research by the Washington-based Corporate Women Directors International (CWDI), which has been keeping tabs on female board representation for decades, shows that pressure around concerns of corporate governance and better representation in Europe has led to results.
From Elle
Ce n’est pas aux femmes de changer c’est au systems
By Julia Dion
June 4, 2014
From Le Figaro
La France, pays qui compte le plus de femmes dirigeantes
By Lucile Quillet
June 7, 2014
Sept entreprises françaises figurent dans le top 10 des 200 plus grands groupes mondiaux comportant le plus de femmes dans leurs conseils d’administration. Avec un taux de féminisation de près de 30%, la France a détrôné les États-Unis. Cocorico.
La France, championne des femmes dirigeantes ! C’est ce que nous apprend l’étude menée par le Comité international des femmes dirigeantes (CWDI) qui a établi le classement des 200 plus grandes entreprises mondiales en matière de parité, dévoilée lors du Sommet mondial des femmes, qui se tient en ce moment à Paris. Résultat : la France atteint le taux de 29,7 % de femmes dans les conseils d’administration (CA), contre 22,5% pour les États-Unis, autrefois leader en la matière.
From Women’s Agenda
Women internationally are pushing for quotas
By Catherine Fox
June 12, 2014
Fed up with platitudes and more than ready for action, hundreds of women threw their weight behind more regulation to force a better gender mix in organisations in polling at last week’s Global Summit of Women.
They came from 81 countries to the forum, held this year in Paris, and from every possible background, but the common cause was all about getting more women in decision making roles — in communities, government and business