2011 Global Summit of Women
Istanbul, Turkey
May 5-7, 2011
“Bridging Solutions to the 21st Century”
Over 1,000 Women from 81 Countries Gather in Istanbul

Participants attend the 2011 Opening Ceremony
Istanbul Stock Exchange Market Open Kicks Off Summit
- Summit President and CWDI Chair Irene Natividad in front of the Istanbul Stock Exchange “Big Board”
- For the first time in Turkish history, over 100 women ring the bell to open the Istanbul Stock Exchange
Summit Highlights
- Summit President Irene Natividad opens 2011 Global Summit of Women joined by Turkey’s Minister of State for Women Selma Aliye Kavaf, First Lady of Namibia Penehupifo Pohamba, First Lady of Turkey Emine Erdogan, Vice President of Vietnam Nguyen Thi Doan, First Lady of Malaysia Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah, and Vice Chair of All China Women’s Federation Meng Xiaosi
- 2011 Summit Plenary Discussion with Former CEO of Alcan Dick Evans; Umran Beba, Asia Pacific President of PepsiCo; Wendy Murdock, Chief Payment Integrity Officer, MasterCard; Johan Raslan, Chairman of PricewaterhouseCoopers Malaysia; and Ali Faramawy, Vice President, Middle East and Africa, Microsoft
- IHT Executive Editor Alison Smale leads discussion at Summit’s CEO Forum. Participating in the CEO Forum are Carina Szpilka, CEO of ING Spain, Serpil Timuray, CEO of Vodafone Turkey, Rosa Casillas Gonzalez, General Manager of Lexmark International in Mexico, and Dato’ Hazimah Zainuddin, Founder and Director of Hyrax Oil Sdn Bhd in Malaysia
- Delegation of 60+ members of Chinese Association of Women Entrepreneurs onstage at the 2011 Global Summit of Women Opening Ceremony
Summit Awards
Global Summit of Women's Leadership Award
![]() UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon receives 2011 Global Women's Leadership Award from the Summit's International Planning Committee. Mr. Ban is the first man to receive the Summit's highest award |
![]() Summit President Irene Natividad presents the 2011 Global Women's Leadership Award to Ban Ki-Moon |
"In terms of women’s empowerment and gender equality, I know that there are still many, many more things to do, many more miles to travel, but this award makes me much more motivated and committed to work together with you when we will be able to say that this world is fair and harmonious and balanced in terms of gender balance." -Ban Ki-Moon(Read Full Speech) |
Click here to watch the video honoring UN-Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon |
Public/Private Sector Projects Advancing Women and Girls' Economic Opportunities
In recognition of these exemplary projects, the Global Summit of Women awarded $5,000 towards each
project at the 2011 Global Summit of Women.
![]() Minister for Gender Equality South Korea |
![]() Vice Chairman of All-China Women’s Federation China |
Project Title: Promoting Career-Interrupted Women
Project Title: Turning New Graduates into Entrepreneurs
What the Press is Saying...
Click to watch Irene Natividad's interview with CNBC-e |
"Creating more economic opportunities for women like Mrs. Cigdem is among the goals of the 2011 Global Summit of Women meeting through Saturday in Istanbul as a sort of Davos for women, mirroring the annual gathering of world economic leaders at the Swiss resort. Held for the first time in Turkey, the conference is taking place in a country where women, once they find jobs, often struggle to stay in them."
Click to read full article
"Asian participants made a strong showing at a key women’s summit in Istanbul, reflecting Asia’s rising clout in global affairs, while the turmoil in North Africa appeared to have kept many people from that region away.
More than a third of the 1,000 female participants in the 2011 Global Women Summit, dubbed the “Davos for Women,” are from the Asian Pacific region. Host country Turkey has the highest number of participants, 200, in the event, which is being held in Istanbul from May 5 to 7 and has drawn attendees from 81 countries."
2011 Summit Links
2011 Sponsors
2011 International Media Partners
What Participants are Saying...
"The Women's Summit...was a symbol of a worldwide understanding which -- using economic relations as its point of departure -- conspires to bring together women from all over the world to form an enormous public-private partnership for long-term change."
Hon. Ursula von der Leyen, Minister for Labor, Germany
"It was impressive to meet so many prestigious and high-ranking women from all over the world who have a strong commitment to business and diversity. It was not any one specific presentation or session at the Summit that informed me, but returning to my day-to-day business, I felt energized to make the difficult decisions that are part of my work because of the commitment and empowerment that I drew from the Summit from so many women leaders."
Ursula Schwarzenbart, Director of Global Diversity, Daimler AG
“Seeing one thousand people from 81 countries in a room is impressive. It is even more impressive when you consider that the topic of discussion is women, women’s representation and development,”
Umran Beba,
President, Asia Pacific Region, PepsiCo
Thank you very much for arranging another Global Summit of Women successfully. It is really a true and effective international forum and platform for women across the world, where we can share our thoughts, feelings and experiences globally. Thank you once again for giving me opportunity to deliver my presentation in that august gathering.
Shahinoor Rahman
Owner, Shanoo's Collection
It has been my pleasure to have been with such an amazing team of great women that made things happen no matter what. The summit was inspiring for me and I truly appreciate that you made me a part of it.
Deniz Misir, Area Director, Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency