To provide baseline information from which women’s progress on corporate boards can be measured, CWDI has conducted research internationally since 1996 to identify women corporate board members in Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa, Spain, and the United States. CWDI has also issued industry-specific studies along with regional and global reports covering top companies and their record on board diversity.
In addition, CWDI has held roundtables on corporate governance in several cities globally for women directors and executives. The most recent brought together business and government leaders convened with the World Bank in Washington, DC, to share board diversity initiatives from several countries. For more information about CWDI or its publications, please contact Corporate Women Directors’ Washington, D.C. headquarters at cwdi@globewomen.com.
Corporate Women Directors International (CWDI) is a project of the GlobeWomen Research and Education Institute, a 501(c)3 Organization based in Washington, DC, US